Yoga & meditation can provide numerous benefits:
improves the immune system and overall health, resulting in decreased absenteeism sickness levels
teaches individual stress management
increases productivity, motivation, and work performance
improves decision making and creativity
drops your blood pressure & improves your maximum uptake of oxygen
regulates your adrenal glands
promotes a sense of well-being and happiness
lowers blood sugar and encourages weight loss
relaxes your system
improves your balance
maintains your nervous system
builds awareness for transformation
prevents IBS and other digestive problems
increases your self-esteem
can ease your pain
gives you inner strength
encourages a healthy lifestyle
helps the lymphatic system fight infection, boosting immunity
increases energy, mental alertness, and clarity
improves stamina
improves morale, job satisfaction, and positive thinking patterns
improves memory, focus and concentration
reduces muscle tension and pain due to sedentary working positions
improves flexibility and physical strength
improves breathing
decreases headaches
improves confidence
improves sleep
improves your flexibility
builds muscle strength
perfects your posture
Prevents cartilage and joint breakdown
can realign and protect your spine
increases bone density in the vertebrae.
lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol
increases your blood flow and improves circulation
lowers the resting heart rate and increases endurance